Since the last update I have sculpted in the rough forms for the rock that Minas Tirith is constructed out of. This was done in zBrush, rather crudely, by just Dynameshing a sphere and pushing and pulling it to get a representation of what's seen in the films.
Modeling and more modeling...
Using the massive reference library of images I have sourced of the original shooting miniature, I've roughed in a lot of the building structures on the 5th and 6th levels of the city. In the image below I have added detail to some of them, though most are just placeholder shapes.
The most recent render of the whole structure.
Thanks for having a look! I feel like I'm getting close to be able to start painting it up in Photoshop, something I'm REALLY looking forward to now! Lot's of people said I was crazy for trying to do Minas Tirith as a cross section.. I'm starting to see why now.